Here are an assortment of puzzles, pictures, projects. Download the pictures, and color them in!

Some helpful hints: If the size of the picture is not the size that you want to print, you can resize the image. To copy and save the image to your desktop, right click on your mouse, and save it.

Just click on the image, and download the puzzle or picture!

(all drawings copyright, © 2023,  Sally O. Lee, please do not sell or distribute for credit or profit, only for home and fun use.) Thanks.

Here are an assortment of puzzles, pictures, projects. Download the pictures, and color them in!

Some helpful hints: If the size of the picture is not the size that you want to print, you can resize the image. To copy and save the image to your desktop, right click on your mouse, and save it.

Just click on the image, and download the puzzle or picture!

NEW to Lucy's Toybox! (all drawings copyright, © 2012 Sally O. Lee, please do not sell or distribute for credit or profit, only for home and fun use.) Thanks.Here are an assortment of puzzles, pictures, projects. Download the pictures, and color them in!

Some helpful hints: If the size of the picture is not the size that you want to print, you can resize the image. To copy and save the image to your desktop, right click on your mouse, and save it.

Just click on the image, and download the puzzle or picture!

NEW to Lucy's Toybox! (all drawings copyright, © 2012 Sally O. Lee, please do not sell or distribute for credit or profit, only for home and fun use.) Thanks.